October 26, 2017

Reminder - Reading Logs are due Tuesday.  Children that complete their Reading Logs will be able to vote for a reward.   

Student of the Week

Halloween Activities - Our Halloween parade will begin at 12:45 outside weather permitting.  Classroom parties will begin at 1:15.

Our Principal, Mr. Rhoads read us a scary story, One Halloween Night by Mark Teague.

Reading/Language Arts
We will continue our opinion writing with editing, publishing, and sharing with our friends.  Our next topic will be poetry with the text Runaway Pumpkin and other short poems.  
Vocabulary:  rhyme, rhythm, regular beats, repetition, figurative language, and alliteration
Focus:  craft & structure- how words and phrases supply rhythm and meaning
Grammar:  form and use of the past tense of frequently occurring irregular verbs

Children will be making ten for 2-digit addition, they will use the strategy break apart.
We will begin 2-digit addition with regrouping.

Social Studies
We will compare rural, urban, and suburban communities.  We will be using maps to locate communities, states and countries and learning to identify state and national symbols.

Reading - read for 20 minutes and complete Reading Log
Math - practice facts
Spelling - practice words