September 15, 2017

Student of the Week

The children have done a wonderful job on all the assessments that have been given this past week.  We have completed reading and math MAP tests, FastBridge, AIMSweb and the common assessment in reading.

Reading and Language Arts
We will be doing a close read using the article Weird Friends Unlikely allies in the Animal Kingdom, by Jose Aruego & Ariane Dewey. In this article we learn how many animal depend on one another.  We will also be reading The Name Jar by Yangsook Choi.  A girl named Uhnei comes from Korea to America.  She is anxious about making friends and worried that the other children will not be able to pronounce her name. 
Focus: identifying the main purpose of the text, the main topic and key details
Vocabulary:  pronounce, blush, relieved, gleamed, breathlessly  

The children will have spelling words next week at their developmental level.  They will receive 2 copies, one to be used at school and one to be used at home.  Please refer to the handout from Curriculum Night for activities to do at home.

We will begin our unit, Number Concepts.  Children will classify numbers as even or odd. They will use place value to describe the values of digits in a 2-digit number and write 2-digit numbers in expanded form.

Princess Pea Pod will teach "Little D" about the vegetable group.  "Little D" will learn that foods from the vegetable group are needed for good night vision.

Classroom Paw Winner - Moxi
Estimation Jar Winner - Kyler

Reading - read for 20 minutes and complete Reading Log
Math - practice math facts
Spelling - practice words (words will be given on Monday)