September 9, 2013

Student of the Week

Special Thanks
We would like to thank the families that gave treats and prizes for our classroom.  The students look forward to these special treats and prizes during the school year.

In reading this week we will be reading a story from Poppleton, The Libray.  The students will be making text to self connections.  We will also be working on taking responsibility for ourselves. 
Vocabulary Words:  bared, occurred, familiar

We will use addition strategies to find the sums of addends.  There will be a test on Chapter 1, Addition Facts and Strategies.

This week the children will meet the Royal Family: Sir Milkford the Scholar, King Henry the Egg, Queen Anna Banana, Princess Peapod, and Prince Waffle as we identify the 5 food groups.
*Please have your child bring is pictures of food, food sale papers work great.

Social Studies
Students will use pictures and context clues to obtain information and meaning of words.

Reading - read for 20 minutes and complete reading log
Math - practice math facts and 1-side of a math worksheet or both sides of a math book page