September 16, 2013

Student of the Week

Magazine Drive
Our PTO kick-off for the magazine drive was Thursday.  The children were very excited to see all of the prizes that are available.  Please help support the PTO's efforts in raising money for our school.  The classroom that raises the most money and the classroom that has the most participation will be rewarded with a pizza party.

We will continue to use think, pair, share during our read aloud.  We will be reading the nonfiction book, Eat My Dust! Henry Ford's First Race.  Vocabulary Words include:  buggy, victory, cranked and compassionate. 
Students will write a response to their independent reading.

We have begun Chapter 2, Subtraction Facts and Strategies. Strategies that will be used include separate and compare, count back, fact families, and using addition to subtract.
Math Facts - Time tests will be given everyday, please practice at home.

Little D will help the students learn that to stay healthy you need to eat well, exercise, and get enough sleep.

Social Studies
We will identify ways people can work together in the classroom and community by obeying rules and laws.

Reading - read for 20 minutes and Reading Log
Math - practice facts and one side of a worksheet