March 4, 2013

Theme:  Family Time
Genre: nonfiction
The story for this week is Brothers and Sisters.  This photo-essay
takes an honest look at the many variations of sibling relationships.
Target Skills:
Phonics: the –er ending in two-syllable words
Comprehension: making generalizations, evaluating
High Frequency Words:  middle, trouble, uncle
Vocabulary:  newborn, twins, pest, teenage, distract   

There will be a test on Chapter 15, Plane Figures and Spatial Shapes.  We will begin Chapter 17, Length, Perimeter and Area.  Students will be measuring lengths in nonstandard and standard units.

Students will plan an investigation about energy from wind using a toy car, clay, toothpicks and paper.  They will also design a circuit using a battery, bulb and wire.

Social Studies
Students will select a state and gather information for a report.

Reading - read for 20 minutes, fill out reading log & log for Great America
Math - practice facts & worksheet
Spelling - practice words