January 14, 2013

Student of the Week

Congratulations - All of the students achieved their reading goal for the month of December. Everyone received a certificate for a personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut.

Theme:  Around Town:  Neighborhood and  Community.
Genre:  realistic fiction
The story for this week is Jamaica Louise James.  Jamaica Louise James has a cool idea that brightens her grandmother's birthday as well as a city subway station.
Target Skills 
Phonics: vowels pairs ee, ea: syllables -tion, -ture
Comprehension: making inferences: evaluate
High Frequency Words:   believe, lady, whole
Vocabulary Words
    booth         subway       plaque
    station        token
Students will order coins in a collection by value to find the total value and model the same amount of money using different combinations of coins.

We will learn that Earth's surface is made up of different solid materials and students will have the opportunity to test the hardness of rocks using a fingernail, penny and paper clip.

Social Studies
We will learn how people make choices about earning, spending, and saving money.  We will also learn how countries are linked together by trade and transportation.

Reading - read for 20 minutes & fill out reading log
Math - 1-side of a worksheet and practice math facts