I wish everyone an enjoyable winter break and a happy and healthy New Year.

A special thank you to the parents for planning an awesome holiday party. Mrs. Lafin and Mrs. Ozgen  helped the children make a penguin craft and had fun games to play.

January 7, 2012

Student of the Week

Theme:  Around Town:  Neighborhood and Community.
Genre:  nonfiction
The story for this week is A Trip to the Firehouse.  A group of children visit their neighborhood firehouse and learn all about how firefighters do their jobs.
Target Skills 
Phonics: vowel pairs ai, ay: compound words
Comprehension: topic, main idea, and supporting details
High Frequency Words:  clothes, order, guess
     Vocabulary Words
    chief               gear
   dispatch          emergencies
    firefighters     fire engine

We will be describing outcomes as likely and equally likely.  There will be a review and a test on Chapter 10, Probability.  We will begin Chapter 11, Count Money.

Social Studies
We will  identify people who provide services to our community as well as some governmental services in the community.  

 We will begin Unit C, Our Earth, vocabulary words include:  weathering, erosion, earthquake, volcano, boulder, minerals, and soil.  

 Reading - Read for 20 minutes for 10 days, over the winter break.