September 10, 2012

Thank you - I would like to thank all of the parents that came to Curriculum Night.  I enjoyed seeing everyone again.

                        Student of the Week

Reading/Writing Workshop
This week the students will be working on writing skills.  They will learn to organize their ideas and choose a title.  We will be using the 5 steps in the writing process:  prewriting, drafting, revising, proofreading, and publishing.  We will be looking for spelling errors, complete sentences, capitalization, punctuation, and a topic sentence with related ideas.

There will be a test on Chapter 1, Addition Facts and Strategies.  We will begin Chapter 2, Subtraction Facts and Strategies.  Students will use separate and compare meanings of subtraction to solve problems.

Students will learn that in order to grow up healthy, they need foods from the Five Food groups and physical activity.

Social Studies
We will identify ways people can work together in the class and community by obeying rules and laws and that laws can be made and changed by voting.

Reading - read 20 minutes and complete Reading Log
Math - worksheet and practice math facts

Please check your child's Take Home Folder.  They need to practice the highlighted facts.

*Please check your child's homework and have your child correct any mistakes.