October 1, 2012

Student of the Week


Theme: Silly Stories
Genre: Fantasy
The story for this week is Mrs. Brown Went to Town.  Life on the farm changes when Mrs. Brown goes to the hospital and a cow, two pigs, three ducks, and a yak move into her house.
Target Skills
Phonics: long vowels a, i
Comprehension: predicting outcomes
High Frequency Words: different, floor, letter, move, poor, word
Reading Strategies: connecting and comparing
Vocabulary Words
commotion   wearing
delivered      tire
feathers       releases

We will review Chapter 3, Place Value for a test on Tuesday.  We will begin Chapter 4, Number Concepts and Patterns.  We will compare and order 2-digit numbers from greatest to least and least to greatest.

Students will identify foods from the fruit group.  Foods from the fruit group are a good source of vitamin C which helps heal cuts and bruises.

Social Studies
We will locate communities, states, and countries on maps.  Students will make a booklet of our state's symbols.

Reading - read 20 minutes and complete Reading Log
Math - worksheet and practice math facts

Please check you child's Take Home Folder.  They need to practice the highlighted facts and spelling words.

*Please check your child's homework and have your child correct any mistakes.