November 14, 2011

Student of the Week

Theme: Nature Walk
Genre: Realistic Fiction
The story for this week is Around the Pond: Who's Been Here? When Cammy and William set out to pick blueberries, they encounter a series of clues and learn about life in and around the pond.
Target Skills
Phonics: double consonants
Comprehension: categorize and classify
High Frequency Words: across, brother, great, stand
Vocabulary Words: bank, crater, edge, moss, path, shallow

We will be reviewing for a test on Chapter 7, Explore 2-Digit Subtraction. We will begin Chapter 8, 2-Digit Subtraction. Students will find the differences with and without regrouping.

We will begin Chapter 2, Animals. Students will compare body coverings and learn about the characteristics of some vertebrate groups of animals.

Social Studies
Students will learn about some of the ways people can conserve and replenish natural resources.

Reading - read 20 minutes and complete reading log
- practice facts & one side of a worksheet, 2 sides of a workbook page
*Please check your child's homework and have him/her correct mistakes.