Fire Prevention Month - Lt. Tabasz will give a presentation on the job of a firefighter and fire safety to the students on Wednesday.
Reading - We will focus on poetry this week. We will be reading several poems and discussing what the writer wants us to see or feel.Math - We be skip counting by twos, fives, and tens from different numbers. There will be a test on Chapter 4, Number Concepts and Patterns. We will begin Chapter 5, Explore 2-Digit Addition.
Science - We will review the 5 food groups: milk, meat, fruit, vegetable, and grain; and their benefits to keeping us healthy. We will also discuss the importance of sleep and exercise. There will be a unit test on nutrition.
Social Studies - There will be a review and test on Unit 1, Where we Live.
Reading - read 20 minutes and complete reading log
Math - practice facts & one side of a worksheet, 2 sides of a workbook page
*Please check your child's homework and have him/her correct mistakes.