Field Trip - Tuesday
Please make sure your child brings a sack lunch. We will not return from the museum until 1:00 and the lunchroom will be closed.
ABC Countdown
Tuesday - USA - Wear red, white and blue
Wednesday - Video
Thursday - Walt Disney
Friday - X- change autographs/picnic day
There will be a test on Chapter 23, 3-Digit Subtraction. We will begin Chapter 23, Multiplication and Division Concepts.
Students will moves as pushes or pulls and know that the amount and direction of the force exerted on an object determines how much and in what direction the object will move.
Social Studies
We will review for a test on Unit 6, People and Places in History.
Reading - read 20 minutes and complete reading log
Math - practice facts & one side of a worksheet
*Please check your child's homework and have him/her correct mistakes.