Open House/Book Fair - Thursday

We would like to invite everyone to our open house on Thursday. The children are very excited to show off the projects they have been working on. The classroom has been turned into a rainforest with vines, butterflies, snakes, and primates. Please join us from 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Theme: Family Time
Genre: realistic fiction
The story for this week is Thunder Cake. Grandma finds a way to dispel her grandchild's fear of thunderstorms.
Target Skills:
Phonics: ed, -ing endings; silent consonants gh, k(n), b
Comprehension: sequence of events, monitor/clarify
High Frequency Words: air, child, heavy, hour
Vocabulary: bolt, lightning, thunder, horizon, rumbled, weather
There will be a test on Chapter 19, Fractions. We will begin Chapter 20, Place Value. Students will use models to identify the numbers of hundreds, tens, and ones of 3-digit numbers.
Students will learn that sound travels in all directions and it travels differently through gases, liquids, and solids.
Social Studies
We will be identifying and learning about the significance of various community, state, and national landmarks.
Reading - read 20 minutes and complete reading log
Math - practice facts & one side of a worksheet
*Please check your child's homework and have him/her correct mistakes.