October 25, 2010

Student of the Week


Special Thanks
We would like to thank the children that sold magazines and the PTO for a great pizza party. We also want to thank Mrs. Spencer for bringing in the pizza and juice and helping to serve the children.

Field Trip
We will be going to C.O.D. on Monday to see the play If You Give a Cat A Cupcake. We will be back for lunch.

We will not be changing rooms for reading this week. Everyone will be taking the MAP tests. Students will have the opportunity to read silently and take quizzes using the Scholastic Reading Counts Program.

There will be a test on Chapter 5, Explore 2-Digit Addition. We will begin Chapter 6, 2-Digit Addition. We will be adding with and without regrouping and using rounding to estimate sums of 2-digit numbers.

We will be identifying and describing the basic needs of animals and learning that these needs depend on their size.

Social Studies
Students will learn how people depend on the physical environment and its resources to meet their physical needs.

Reading - read 20 minutes and complete reading log
Math- practice facts and one side of the math worksheet
*Please check your child's homework.

Halloween Party
The classroom Halloween parties will be Friday. The costume parade will be at 1:40. We will parade around the building, weather permitting.
