October 18, 2010

Student of the Week


Student Teacher- We are looking forward to working with Ms. Richert, who will be working with our class for the next several weeks. She will be coming to us from Mrs. Mazurowski's kindergarten class.

Great Job!
Our class has done a great job selling magazines for the School Magazine Drive. The PTO has rewarded us with a pizza party on Friday, October 22nd. We would like to thank the PTO for the great incentive.

Help Wanted
The Ide PTO is looking for two parents from our room to help with the Spooking Room, for The Elizabeth Ide's Spooky Halloween Party on Friday, October 22nd. Please contact either Jennifer Padavic at padavic11@comcast.net / 630-985-9812 or Indra Williams at siwilliams6@sbcglobal.net/ 630-985-1424 for more information.

Theme: Nature Walk
The story for this week is Exploring Parks with Ranger Dockett. Ranger Dockett is an urban park ranger who teaches people about exploring nature.
Target Skills
consonant clusters r, l, s
Comprehension: fact and opinion
High Frequency Words: busy, later, important, touch, young
Vocabulary Words: exploring, urban, protect, range, tours, habitat

We will be adding 2-digit numbers with and without regrouping.

Social Studies
Students will learn how the physical characteristics of places and regions affect people's activities and settlement patterns.

To show our appreciation of our district's transportation department the students will be making cards for their bus drivers.

Special Project
Mrs. Hansen, our principal will be coming in this week to do a special Halloween project with the class.

Reading - read 20 minutes and complete reading log
Math- practice facts and one side of the math worksheet
*Please check your child's homework.
