Great Job!
Everyone has has done a great job this week adjusting to second grade. The students are becoming comfortable with one another and are working together.
If your child is buying a lunch, please have them choose their lunch before arriving at school. The lunch menu can be found on the school website or at: I will also make copies for children that need them to keep at home or in their Take Home Folder. It will make signing up for lunch go more smoothly. Thank you for your cooperation.
Theme: Silly Stories
Genre: Fantasy
The story for this week is A Dragon Gets By. When Dragon
decides that it's time to go
shopping, a trip to the food
store becomes an adventure.
Target Skills
Phonics: short vowels a, i
Comprehension: story structure
High Frequency Words: bought, front, kitchen, roll, until
Vocabulary Words
balanced, vegetables, dairy, shopping, diet, shopper, hungry
We will practice counting on and using doubles as strategies for sums to 18.
Students will identify foods that belong to the Milk Group and identify the health benefits.
Social Studies
We will identify ways people can work together in the classroom and the community by obeying rules and laws.
Reading - read 20 minutes and complete reading log
Math- practice facts and one side of the math worksheet
*Please check your child's homework.