March 10, 2014

Congratulations - Everyone completed their reading logs and received a certificate for a personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut.

Theme:  Amazing Animals
Genre:  Fantasy
The story for this week is Officer Buckle and Gloria.  Napville Elementary School's students always ignore Officer Buckle's safety tips, until a police dog named Gloria accompanies him when he gives safety speeches.
Target Skills
Comprehension: drawing conclusions: monitor/clarify
High Frequency Words:   board, listen, told
Vocabulary :  accident, attention, safety, commands, audience, officer

We will be describing the attributes of solid figures using:  face, edge, vertex, and vertices. Students will use these attributes to compare and contrast solid figures.

Students will observe how objects decompose.  We will learn about the causes and effects of pollution and identify ways that resources are wasted.

Social Studies
Students will continue to work on their state name poem.  We will identify patriotic songs, symbols, and mottoes of our country.

Reading - read 20 minutes and complete reading log
Math - practice math facts & complete 1-side of a worksheet
Spelling - study words