February 24, 2014

Student of the Week

Reminder - Reading Logs for Six Flags, Great America are due Monday, February 24th.

Book Orders - Book orders were sent home.  If you wish to order books, please send in your orders by Thursday, February 21st.  You can also order on line at: https://clubs2.scholastic.com    The class activation code is:  GTFFX.

Theme:  Around Town:  Neighborhood and    Community.
Genre:  realistic fiction
The story for this week is Jamaica Louise James.  Jamaica Louise James has a cool idea that brightens her grandmother's birthday as well as a city subway station.
Comprehension: making inferences: evaluate
 High Frequency Words:   believe, lady, whole
 Vocabulary Words
    booth         subway
    station        token

Students will tell time as minutes before the hour, describe times of events as a.m. and p.m. and determine how much time has passed from start to finish.

There will be a review and test on Chapter 5, Exploring Earth's Surface.

Social Studies
We will be learning about the three branches of our government: President, Congress, and the Supreme Court.

Reading - read for 20 minutes & complete reading log
Math - practice math facts & 1 side of a WS
Spelling - practice words/sort words by patterns