November 18, 2013

Student of the Week

2nd Grade Musical Performance

We are all very proud of our snowflakes and snirts, they did an awesome job!

Six Flags Great America - Reading Log
Students have an opportunity to earn a free ticket to Six Flags by completing the reading log, Read to Succeed.  The reading log is in your child's Take Home Folder.  Your child's reading homework will need to be recorded on both reading logs, the one for Six Flags and their weekly classroom reading log.  Parents may complete the Six Flags reading log.  Students need to complete the classroom reading log.  If you have any questions, please let me know.

We will be reading The Incredible Painting of Felix Clousseau, by Jon Agree.  The Paris art world is outraged when unknown painter Felix Clouseau enters a seemingly simple painting of a duck in the annual "Grand Contest of Art."  That is, until the painting quacks ...
We will also be reading The Ghost-Eye Tree, by Bill Martin, Jr. and John Archambault.  This is a story about a walk a brother and sister take to get a bucket of milk.
Students will use wondering to understand stories.  Wondering is a strategy that good readers use to construct understanding.
Vocabulary:  miniature, rarely, duplicate, disguise

Students will be revising their scary stories by adding details and checking for capital letters and punctuation.

We will review for a test on Chapter 6, 2-Digit Addition.  We will begin Chapter 7, Explore 2-Digit Subtraction.  Students will model 2-digit subtraction using base-ten blocks.

Social Studies
We would like to welcome Mr. Durling, an Associate Research fellow at Clorox.  He will be working with our class for Junior Achievement.  The first lesson will be How Does a Community Work.  Students will identify a variety of jobs and how people live and work in a community.

Reading - read for 20 minutes and complete reading log
Math - practice math facts and 1-side of a worksheet
Spelling - study words