November 5, 2012

Student of the Week

 A Big Thanks to the parents for organizing an awesome Halloween party for our class. The children had an great time making bats and playing games provided and/or chaperoned  by Mrs. Bowler, Lora Lafin, Mrs. Singh, Mrs. Srbinov, and Mrs. Townsend. We would also like to thank the parents that donated food and paper products.

Remember to log in your reading minutes for PAWS for Reading at: to help donate books to children in need.  The class has currently read 260 minutes, making a donation of 13 books.

      Theme: Wrap-Up Overview
Connecting and Comparing
The stories for this week are
Owl Moon and Owls.
Owl Moon is realistic fiction.
A little girl and her father look
for owls in the woods on a cold
winter night.
Owls is a nonfiction story that gives
facts about what owls look like,
where they live, and how they hunt
for food.
Vocabulary Words
clearing         active
owling           swoops
echo              blend
pumped        outlined
meadow        curved

  We will review for the test on Chapter 6, 2-Digit Addition.  We will       begin Chapter 7, Explore 2-Digit Subtraction.  Students will practice   counting back by tens to subtract multiples of ten.

We will review for the test on Chapter 1, Living and Nonliving

Social Studies
Unfortunately, Mr. Healy from Junior Achievement was unable to        come this week.  He was in New York and was unable to make it      back due to the storms.  We are looking forward to 
having him come next week.  
We will be identifying cause-effect relationships and identifying           landforms and bodies of water.

   Reading - read 20 minutes and complete Reading Log
   Math - worksheet and practice math facts

* Please check your child's Take Home Folder.
   The highlighted math facts and spelling words should be practiced. *Please check your child's homework and have your child correct any mistakes.