October 22, 2012

Student of the Week


  Reading Rewards -  Friday will be Spooky Story Day. 
  Children are being asked  to wear orange and black and to bring in a     Halloween book to share with a friend.  Mrs. Hansen, our principal will   be reading a Halloween story to the children. 

Theme:  Nature Walk
Genre:  nonfiction
The story for this week is Exploring Parks with Ranger Dockett.  Ranger Dockett is an urban park ranger who teaches people about exploring nature. 
Target Skills
Phonics: consonant clusters r, l, s
Comprehension: fact and opinion
High Frequency Words:  busy, later, important, touch, young
Vocabulary Words
exploring       urban
protect           ranger
tours              habitat

We will be modeling and recording 2-digit addition with and without regrouping.  There will be a chapter test on Thursday.  We will begin Chapter 6, 2-Digit Addition.

We will continue with the Unit, Living Things and learn how animals' needs depend on their size and shape.

Social Studies
We will review for a test on Unit 1, Where You Live.

   Reading - read 20 minutes and complete Reading Log 
   Math - worksheet and practice math facts 

   Please check your child's Take Home Folder. They need to practice     the highlighted facts and spelling words.

 *Please check your child's homework and have your child correct any mistakes.