December 12, 2011

Student of the Week

A Big THANKS! - We would like to thank all the parents and children for their donations for the Pennies for Pasta that will go to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Illinois. The class came in second place with $314.52.

Please Remember- to send a bag lunch on Thursday. We will be going to Fairview Village to bring some holiday cheer to the residents and will not be back in time for a hot lunch.

Holidays Around the World
This week the children will experience how holidays are celebrated in five different countries. In our classroom the children will learn about the Legend of the Poinsettia from Mexico. They will then travel to Mrs. Onorato's room to learn about Israel, Mrs. Cornfield's class room to learn about China, Mrs. Walega's room to learn about Poland and, Mrs. Oliver’s room to learn about Sweden.

Math - Students will understand data from a pictograph, find the range and mode from a set of data, and follow directions to locate points on a grid.

Science - We will analyze and describe the sequence of events of animal life cycles.

Reading - read 20 minutes and complete reading log
Math - practice facts & one side of a worksheet, 2 sides of a workbook page
Please check your child's homework and have him/her correct mistakes.