January 31, 2011

Student of the Week

Special Thanks
We would like to thank the PTO for a wonderful assembly to celebrate a week of PBIS. The children loved the juggler, Mr. V. as he juggled balls, dishes, and especially the eggs.

Community Service Celebration- sponsored by our PTO
Please remember to support our community with nonperishable food donations beginning Monday, January 31 - Monday, February 7th.

Theme: Amazing Animals
Genre: Fantasy
The story for this week is
Officer Buckle and Gloria. Napville Elementary School's students always ignore Officer Buckle's safety tips, until a police dog named Gloria accompanies him when he gives safety speeches.
Target Skills.
Phonics: r-controlled vowels ar, or, ore
Comprehension: drawing conclusions: monitor/clarify
High Frequency Words: board, listen, told
Vocabulary: accident, safety, attention, commands, audience, officer

We will be reviewing Chapter 12, Use Money. There will be a chapter test on Tuesday. We will begin Chapter 13, Time. Students will practice showing and telling time to the five minutes.

The children enjoyed making fossils this week. We will be learning about the causes and effects of pollution and how we can make a difference.

Social Studies
We will begin Unit 5, Our Country Long Ago. The vocabulary words are: shelter, pioneer, independence, colonist, tradition, explorer, and colony.

Reading - read 20 minutes and complete reading log
Math - practice facts/one side of a worksheet
*Please check your child's homework and have him/her correct mistakes.