December 13, 2010

Student of the Week

Holidays Around the World
This week the children will experience how holidays are celebrated in five different countries. In our classroom the children will learn about the Legend of the Poinsettia in Mexico. They will then travel to Mrs. Onorato’s room to learn about Israel, Mrs. Cornfield's room to learn about China, Mrs. Walega's room to learn about Poland and Mrs. Oliver’s room to learn about Sweden.

We will be using bar graphs, tables, and pictographs to find information.

Social Studies
We will review for a test on Unit 3, Working Together.

Fairview Village
We will be making cards for our visit to Fairview Village on Thursday. The children will bring holiday cheer to the residents. *Remember to send a bag lunch, we will be eating in the classroom.

High Touch High Tech Field Trip
Please remember field trip money is due on Wednesday. We would like to thank the PTO for helping us with the cost of the Dig It program. There will be hands on activities that will go along with our next unit in Science, Our Earth.

Reading - read 20 minutes and complete reading log
Math - practice facts and one side of the math worksheet
*Please check your child's homework and have him/her correct mistakes.