November 15, 2010

Student of the Week

Book Orders
Book orders have been sent home on Friday. If you wish you can order books for the holidays. You can also order on line at, the class activation code is: GTFFX.

Conference Notes: Conference notes have been sent home. Please send them back as soon as possible.

Theme: Around Town: Neighborhood and Community.
Genre: Realistic Fiction
The story for this week is Chinatown. A boy and his grandmother spend the day enjoying the sights, sounds, and smells of Chinatown.
Target Skills
Phonics: consonant digraphs; base words and endings -er, and est.
Comprehension: making judgments; summarize
High Frequency Words: during, heard, lion, winter
Vocabulary Words: apartment, celebrations, delivery, handcarts, market

Math: Students will model and record subtraction 1-digit and 2-digit numbers from 2-digit numbers. There will be a review and a test on Chapter 7, Explore 2-Digit Subtraction.

We will analyze and describe the sequence of events of animal life cycles. Students will recognize that animals reproduce and that their young grow to resemble their parents.

Social Studies:
Students will learn how work provides income to purchase goods and services. They will understand that people make choices about earning, spending and saving money.

- read 20 minutes and complete reading log
Math - practice facts and one side of the math worksheet
*Please check your child's homework.
