June 1, 2010

Special Thanks
We would like to thank the PTO and all the parent volunteers for a fantastic end of the year picnic. The children had a great time with the many activities planned. I'm sure they came home with stories to tell and tattoos and pictures painted on their arms and faces to show.

Please Remember
The children will need their backpacks Tuesday and Wednesday to bring home their supplies. I will also be sending home their container of coins that we used for our chapter on money.

A Great Year
It has been a great year. The children have done a wonderful job with all the challenges this year from time-tests and learning to work together on projects, to having to evacuate the school bus. I would like to wish everyone continued success in third grade.

Field Trip
Unfortunately we were unable to make it to the Chicago Botanic Garden this year, where the children were to attend the Spring Science Sleuth's Program. The Chicago Botanic Garden has been very understanding and has offered to apply the fees that were collected to a program for next year (programs were not available for the remainder of this year). The third grade teachers are looking forward to taking their classes next year.

Have a Happy and Safe Summer!