February 3, 2014

Pajama Day

Thank You to the PTO -  Everyone enjoyed The Pro Kids Assembly by Tim Hannig.  The children learned about Seeds of Character: respect, courage, honesty, and responsibility.

Reading - cont'd
Theme:  Around Town:  Neighborhood and Community.
Genre:  realistic fiction
The story for this week is Big Bushy Mustache.  In order to look more like his father, Ricky borrows part of a costume from school.  After he loses it on his way home, Ricky learns a lesson about responsibility.
Target Skills
Phonics:  vowels pairs ow, ou: suffixes -ly, -ful
Comprehension:  problem solving: predict/infer
High Frequency Words:  behind, soldier, story
Vocabulary Words
      bushy             mustache
       disguise         handsome
       mirror             costume

Students will model the same amount using different combinations of coins.  There will be a review of Chapter 11, Count Money.  We will begin Chapter 12, Use Money.

Students will draw conclusions about the hardness of rocks by testing rocks with their fingernail, a penny and a paper clip.  They will recognize that Earth's surface is made up of different minerals.

Social Studies
Students will learn how countries are linked by trade and transportation. There will be a review and test of Unit 3, Working Together.

Reading - read for 20 minutes and complete reading log
Math - practice facts & 1-side of a worksheet
Spelling - study words